[Leica] Skyping with the Grands - the New Normal

Don Dory don.dory at gmail.com
Thu Mar 19 21:47:57 PDT 2020

Technology does make self imposed quarantines more interesting.  Between
online books, films, children via Skype, and tens of thousands of images to
reconsider life is quite interesting.

On Thu, Mar 19, 2020 at 11:02 PM Howard Cummer via LUG <lug at leica-users.org>

> Here is Esther skyping with the Victoria Grandkids, reading them a story.
> We are self quarantined here on Pender Island and are substituting skyping
> for face to face visits with Clementine and Eloise in Victoria.
> http://gallery.leica-users.org/v/Howard+Cummer/Canada+2020/Pender/DSC_5870.jpg.html
> <
> http://gallery.leica-users.org/v/Howard+Cummer/Canada+2020/Pender/DSC_5870.jpg.html
> >
> I am on the Board of the Pender Island Health Care Society - we own and
> maintain the building where all medical services are provided (two doctors
> and one dentist and a host of other services) and on Monday this week we
> had our last face to face Board meeting for some time. The next meeting in
> late April will be done by video conferencing. We are on the search for
> more face masks and hand sanitizer but otherwise all seems reasonably calm.
> The protocol for someone suspected of having the corona virus is to call
> the clinic ahead of time, stay in their car when they arrive and call the
> clinic again and a doctor will come out to interview them in the parking
> lot.
> We are an island of retirees - some quite well off - and winter cruising
> is a common past time as well as taking trailers to the southern states to
> avoid the winter.
> We believe it is only a matter of time until someone tests positive for
> the virus. Except for the grocery store, the liquor store (naturally) and
> the pharmacy most everywhere else on the island is closed.
> In our family our eldest daughter has had her upcoming play in Calgary
> cancelled and the children’s school is closed there. We were planning to go
> to Calgary to babysit Miss O and Aubrey but that is no longer necessary .
> Jenny, my middle daughter in Vancouver who is in the movie production
> business has had two Netflix features cancelled and my youngest daughter in
> Victoria is still self employed with her architectural heritage business.
> Her husband may not have classes to teach after this semester due to lack
> of overseas language students.
> My son and his family in Tokyo are hunkered down. Young  Charlie’s school
> is closed. They left Hong Kong permanently just a few days before travel
> restrictions came into force and their shipment of household effects is in
> 14 days quarantine at Yokohama.
> We sure do live in interesting times. We were living in Hong kong in 2003
> when SARs struck the territory and managed to survive that without too much
> inconvenience. We hope (fingers crossed) to do the same this time.
> Wash those hands!!
> Howard (and Esther).
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don.dory at gmail.com

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