[Leica] IMG: From Waaaaay Back

Douglas Barry imra at iol.ie
Mon Mar 9 17:43:05 PDT 2020

Good memories Jim, and a fascinating image for your children, grand 
children and great grand children. However, with an 8x10 print, perhaps 
it should really be scanned at a good large size - say 3000 pixels 
across - so that people could see the great detail captured by the large 
format cameras of the time.

Of course, I'm curious as to whether you still have your saxophone, and 
do you still play it?


On 09/03/2020 21:59, Jim Nichols wrote:
> Occasionally, I recall photos from a long time ago, and check to see 
> if I still have them in my files.  This one is from the late 1940s, 
> the time of Speed Graphics and large flash bulbs, and was probably 
> shot by Stanley Coumbe, one of my classmates who shot for the college 
> paper, The Reflector.  I found a black and white 8x10 glossy stuck 
> between the pages of one of my yearbooks, and scanned it.
> This was the first of several college bands I played with, to help 
> with college expenses.  This was about 1948, and there were still a 
> large number of veterans enrolled under the GI Bill. Looking at the 
> group, I think all except two or three were in that category. I'm the 
> fourth guy from the right in the front row. Red Terry, who ran the 
> band at this time, is the bass player.  I think I can name them all, 
> so I'm not senile yet.
> The occasion was a Sorority Dance for the Zeta Tau Alpha Sorority.
> http://www.gallery.leica-users.org/v/OldNick/20020430-Collegians+1.JPG.html 
> Demand for large, 15-piece bands went away around 1950, when they were 
> replaced by smaller combos with loud amplifiers.

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