CartersXRd cartersxrd at gmail.com
Sat Mar 7 10:53:27 PST 2020

damn, that’s ugly
nice photo though


> On Mar 7, 2020, at 1:37 PM, Bill Clough via LUG <lug at leica-users.org> wrote:
> Hi there--
> Canyon, Texas is the first community south of Amarillo. It is the home of
> West Texas State A&M. Numerous BNSF tracks run across the northern side of
> the town. They were – and are – a the main line to the west coast.
> In March of 1964, a freight train derailed. There was a grain elevator
> nearby which served as a tall tripod to capture the wreck and an obviously
> unhappy Santa Fe employee in the foreground.
> At the paper we often posted pictures on a bulletin board for a caption
> contest.
> The winning caption: “Casey, you son of a bitch.”
> http://gallery.leica-users.org/v/Bill1941/RETROSPECT/Train+Wreck_+Canyon+Texas+___+00321.jpg.html
> –Bill
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