Douglas Barry imra at iol.ie
Fri Mar 6 03:45:42 PST 2020

Great stuff, Bill, a terrific catch, but unfortunately most people can 
nowadays in this brave new cyberworld, lose their shirts on the internet 
while their families starve in the next room.

who will probably have a flutter on the Cheltenham Festival next week 
despite his moralising...

On 06/03/2020 03:48, Bill Clough via LUG wrote:
> Hi there –
>     In 1961, the publisher of the Amarillo Citizen went on a junket to
> Ruidoso Downs in Ruidosa, New Mexico. As it turned out, a horse from
> Amarillo, Texas won.
> While wandering around searching for subjects, this little girl was
> stretching her full length to help her daddy place a bet.
> It was an all-expences-paid affair for the publisher so this particular
> photo was never published because the publisher thought it cast a bad image
> of the operation...
>    ... until about seven years later. One of my life-long friends was Dr.
> James Dunn, who later became the Executive Director of  the Baptist Joint
> Committee, the watchdog agency for the separation of church and state.
> In 1968, he helped lead a Southern Baptist campaign against para-mutual
> horse racing. I told James that I had a photo that might work well.
> For a brief while, this Episcopalian became the best-known photographer by
> the Southern Baptist convention.
> http://gallery.leica-users.org/v/Bill1941/RETROSPECT/_2+Show_+1961+-+_00242.jpg.html
> –Bill
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