[Leica] IMGS: Next Installment

Tina Manley tmanley at gmail.com
Fri Jun 26 14:41:52 PDT 2020


I've added a few more photos from Laos:


and hit previous until you get to ones you've seen before.

This quarantine is getting to me.  We haven't left the house in weeks.  Tom
has bursitis in his knee and cannot put any weight on it.  He passed out
from the pain and gashed his head.  He doesn't dare risk going to the
doctor so I've been taking care of him.  He's not a good patient.  I spend
most of my time running up and down the stairs!  We're doing great except
for that!  I only have a few minutes here and there to work on photos.  I
may never finish.

C&C greatly appreciated.


Tina Manley

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