[Leica] Monday Misc.

Don Dory don.dory at gmail.com
Mon Jun 22 04:08:09 PDT 2020

Greetings to all.  Swmbo and I hiked up Shoal Creek which is an urban creek
cutting north from downtown Austin into the western edge of the University
of Texas north campus.  Because of the Spanish beginnings development near
waterways was discouraged so even though this is an urban creek it appears
pretty ex-urban.  In any case, it is interesting that even though the creek
runs through a very diverse group of neighborhoods the people who choose to
use it are not very diverse.  Access is easy and occurs throughout the
creeks course so there is no barrier or difficulty accessing it as there is
at Malibu beach in LA.

So, we start with a spirited discussion where the daughter appears to have
something to say:


This young lady was enjoying a shady glade to read her phone:


This Mom(aupair?) was doing an excellent job managing two active boys:


This mom was encouraging useful play with her children on the creek:


We will end with this enterprising young lady climbing a tree and
encouraging her dog to climb as well.  The dog was very adept at modeling:


That's all for today.  All the best.

don.dory at gmail.com
don.dory at gmail.com

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