[Leica] IMG: Kevin roasting coffee

Jim Nichols jhnichols at lighttube.net
Tue Jun 2 06:37:25 PDT 2020

Richard, I enjoyed your discussion of the shutter options.  You might 
consider a rubber band to give gravity a boost.

On 6/2/20 4:10 AM, Richard Man wrote:
> http://gallery.leica-users.org/v/richardman/4520200531-Kevin-PaloAltoCafe-Edit-PtPd.jpg.html
> Since SiP, we have been going to a local cafe instead of Megacorp S
> because, if a local place goes under, they will probably never come back.
> Anyway, the owner Kevin saw me photographing yesterday and one thing led to
> another, I photographed him this morning grinding coffee. I wore a mask,
> gloves, and stayed far away of course.
> The photo at the back is one that someone took of him in 2000. This picture
> could have been taken any moment in time
> :-)
> For a bit, I was thinking the smaller Hasselblad would be so much more
> convenient, but that thought went away after I saw the image, ha ha.
> Gibellini 4x5, Cooke PS945. Ilford HP5.
Jim Nichols
Tullahoma, TN USA

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