[Leica] Brian - your train ride

Brian Reid reid at mejac.carlsbad.ca.us
Fri Jul 17 09:05:06 PDT 2020

I don't know. I spent the entire trip in my sleeper-car room with the 
window partly open and the door shut. I thought I was going to have time 
to work on a photo book, but too many of the tracks were wobbly (you've 
all seen Ric's pictures) and the train bounced around too much to use a 

I passed the time by catching up with articles in The Atlantic and The 
New Yorker, both of which arrive faster than I can read them.

On 2020-07-17 7:22 am, Stasys Petravicius via LUG wrote:
> How was social distancing on the train? Was it crowded with
> passengers? Was it inexpensive? How did you kill the days?
> Best, Stasys

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