[Leica] IMGS: Vietnam

Tina Manley tmanley at gmail.com
Sun Jul 12 13:59:28 PDT 2020


I thought I'd better post a few before I get too far behind.  We left Laos
for Vietnam, spent a couple of days in Saigon, and then got on a boat to
travel the Mekong River back to Laos.  It was great fun and we stopped at
many villages along the way.  Here are the first of the photos:


And hit previous until you get back to Laos.

We are working outside every day until the temperature hits 90 and then
we're inside at our computers.  We haven't left the farm at all.  South
Carolina is not a safe place!  You'll see that almost everybody in Asia was
wearing masks back in February.  Most people here still don't wear masks
and look at you like you're crazy if you do, but we do!

C&C greatly appreciated.


Tina Manley

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