[Leica] [OM] Roses are red, yellow, pink...

Peter Klein boulanger.croissant at gmail.com
Sun Jul 12 00:22:53 PDT 2020

Hi, Nathan. Yes, there were enough people around that we weren’t always 2m away from others. Most of the time we were. But we never knew when a jogger would go by, or a mom with a little kid. Some people wore masks, some people didn’t. We are being especially careful because I’ve always been prone to upper respiratory infections, and we are (just!) over 65. 

Washington state is doing well compared to other parts of the country, but our cases are going up. The governor issued a directive last week that you must wear a mask unless you can keep 6 feet away from people. Some people are obeying the directive, but others are not, in the name of “liberty,“ support of you-know-who, or youthful perceived invulnerability. So far, there is no enforcement. I don’t want to rely on other people’s compliance for my safety, so I’m going a little bit farther than what is required. 

Tonight, when we went for our daily walk, the weather was threatening, but it didn’t rain. Nobody else was about. I took my mask off. It felt good.

--Peter, dictating to my iPad
(If it misconstrues, please excuse)
>>Was it very crowded since you wore a mask? Normally, if you are in a 
non-crowded outdoor environment, masks are not needed.
Even here in Spain, where it is mandatory in all indoor spaces (including 
public transport), and in crowded outdoor places (e.g. narrow street in the 
center), the rule is that if you are outside and keep 2 meters away from 
others, you can go mask-less.


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