[Leica] Hale-Bop photo by Mr. Ritter

Stasys Petravicius stasys1 at cox.net
Sat Jul 11 08:48:07 PDT 2020

Howard - I was on a driving trip across the US from Calif to Cleveland and back a number of years ago. Stopped at White Sands NM, and listened to a lecture by Dr. Hale while sitting on a sand dune and watching a presentation projected on his motor home. He said next April a comet - the Hale-Bop comet is going to be a sensation as it travels across the sky. That April- I was taking a nude photo workshop with French photographer (Lucien Clergue) and other photographers in Death Valley. We took a day trip to the Alabama Hills to shoot by the Sierra Nevada mountains. After shooting most of the day we drove back to Death Valley. After some time- were told the comet was coming by. It was low in the sky - going right to left. It had a V tail- white and blue. I was so tired of shooting nude models, that I did not take one photograph. I watched it go by- spectacular!! Now I regret not shooting it.
But- that’s life.
Stasys Petravicius

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