[Leica] IMGs x 3: Portraits

Douglas Barry imra at iol.ie
Wed Jan 29 18:01:25 PST 2020

Thanks Jayanand, Brian and Philippe.
Philippe, Larry Fink is not a sponsor, but if he wants to buy me lenses, 
I won't say "No" now that he's decided to save the planet. As for 
dimming the sepia bib, the subject would accuse me of photographic libel 
by portraying him as someone who doesn't really get his shirts clean...
Brian, the 55mm Zeiss Sonnar on the Sony is a wonderful lens and is pin 
sharp with very good auto focus. OK I did use flash, but it was terribly 


On 28/01/2020 19:32, Brian Reid wrote:
> I continue to be entranced by these great pictures.
> These are exactly the kind of shots that I have tried to take for my
> entire adult life. The first 10,000 images I shot were on a Minolta
> Hi-Matic 7 and then a Leica IIIf, always with Tri-X and always developed
> in HC-110 (or D76 before HC-110 existed). I can't say that mine were as
> good as these, but this is what I was attempting to do.
> Except that Tri-X didn't give me anything close to this resolution. I
> think the best I ever got out of Tri-X on my IIIf was about 100 to 125
> lines per millimeter. I've read lots of apologetics about the resolution
> of 35mm film and how it has better resolution than any digital camera,
> but I am reminded of the quote from Chico Marx, speaking to Margaret
> DuMont in the movie Duck Soup: "Who are you going to believe? Me, or
> your own eyes?" Doug's A7 has 24 megapixels, and its resolution runs
> rings around anything I ever got with film and LTM Elmar lenses. Maybe
> if I had used Pan X and Diafine, like my architect friends did, or if I
> had used sheet film, I could have had this kind of sharpness in film
> images. But I don't like flash, so I needed Tri-X.
> Show us more, Douglas. More.
> On 2020-01-27 5:47 pm, Douglas Barry wrote:
>> I recently been persuaded to join the committee of my local literary, historical and cultural society. Bad mistake letting them know I used to do a website during my sporting years, but apparently I've reduced the average age of the committee by ten years according to a local wag :-) Anyway, I'm now the Webmeister for them and that turns out to mean official photographer too.
>> We recently launched our 27th annual publication of lectures known as Proceedings - 2019 with Irish government minister Mary Mitchell O'Connor as principal speaker, so here are three portraits I took with my Sony A7II for the site.
>> http://gallery.leica-users.org/v/DouglasBray/Proceedings+2019+344.jpg.html
>> David Hussey, Mary Mitchell O'Connor, and Noel Tierney
>> http://gallery.leica-users.org/v/DouglasBray/Proceedings+2019+333.jpg.html
>> David Hussey
>> http://gallery.leica-users.org/v/DouglasBray/Proceedings+2019+Paul+Quinn+396.jpg.html
>> Paul Quinn holding a copy of Proceedings
>> All can be seen larger if desired, and comments or criticism welcomed.
>> Douglas
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