[Leica] a picture from Lesotho

Philippe photo.philippe.amard at gmail.com
Fri Jan 17 13:06:08 PST 2020

Thanks Brian

I read from another list that applying « sharpness » helps after you have exported (and downsized) the file as a jpeg. I tried the trick. And it works. Of course, lazy as I am, I don’t always use it. But I think you might want to know there’s much more « sharpness » in your shot than immediately perceived. In fact I resort to this when I really want a landscape to be ultra sharp (all things considered) and this might improve your already very fine picture.

Philippe, who will start today’s dreams with the lette Q :-)

> Le 17 janv. 2020 à 21:56, Brian Reid <reid at mejac.palo-alto.ca.us> a écrit :
>> Now, in terms of photography I have two questions
>> - is your jpeg (the large one) straight from the camera?
>> - if not, and why not an edited raw, did you apply much of the «
>> sharpness or clarity or déhaze" functions to it?
> I imported the DNG into Lightroom and immediately exported it as a JPEG. No processing at all. I decided that Lightroom's JPEG conversion would probably be better than the camera's.
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