[Leica] IMG: Local TV Channels

Jim Nichols jhnichols at lighttube.net
Fri Jan 10 12:29:30 PST 2020

Our local cable provider is the local utility authority, which provides 
fiber optics services within the city limits.  With access to all of the 
utility poles in town, they try to provide local interest cameras as 
well.  For the older folk like myself, this gives us a way to see what 
is going on, particularly in bad weather.

My favorite channels are: 1) the Airport Cam and 2) the Train Cam.

The Train Cam, complete with the red caboose park, gives an indication 
of downtown activity, since the parking lot faces some of the local 
watering holes.


The Airport Cam, along with a scanner, helps me keep up with the 
activity at the local airport.  This shot caught two noon-time joggers 
who work nearby, but not much airport activity.


Jim Nichols
Tullahoma, TN USA

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