[Leica] Recommendations for learning Capture One

Adam Bridge abridge at mac.com
Mon Feb 10 12:02:47 PST 2020

Welllllll….the problem I have stems from the digital age and my own propensity to miss the decisive moment.

I like to take pictures at basketball games. I take my X-T3. Since I sit very close I can shoot with a 16-55mm lens. I’ve tried shooting in just JPEG but for “reasons” I find that shooting in RAW works better. I shoot in burst mode which on this camera is 20 fps. I take a LOT of photos during a game. THOUSANDS. Reviewing them to find the photos I want takes time. Lightroom doesn’t do this particularly well nor does it do well demosaicing the Fuji files. (JPEG is faster but the skimming through so many images isn’t faster).

So that’s my use case. It’s clearly not yours. What I’m doing is unthinkable from the film days. But it’s how I get images I like and which others find enjoyable. 

After I select the images that I find useful I delete the others after a few weeks because having a lot of big files isn’t cost effective.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts. The joy of the LUG is hearing how people think and see, how they make their art.



> On 2020 Feb 10, at 11:34 AM, Philippe via LUG <lug at leica-users.org> wrote:
> Adam, my boy, just remember how long it took to get the film developed, rinsed, stabilized, rinced again and dried up BEFORE you could even think of printing anything out of it.
> I’m not in such a rush to die dear Adam. Speed is one thing, pleasure, rendition, and output are in another league.
> Sorry to have to be so blunt.
> Capture one may be fun and fast, others might be better and slower or faster, who cares, really, when what you give the viewer to see is what you had in mind in the first place ?
> Amities
> Philippe, in no such a hurry as to resort to speed dating ;-)
>> Le 10 févr. 2020 à 19:07, Adam Bridge via LUG <lug at leica-users.org> a écrit :
>> I’m seriously pondering moving to Capture One from Lightroom. Experiments seem to demonstrate that it’s faster for many activities I find myself performing on a regular basis.
>> Beside the tools offered by the Capture One site itself, does anyone have good suggestions for quickly coming up to speed with Capture One?
>> Thank you!
>> Adam Bridge
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