[Leica] Conjunction, two days late

Don Dory don.dory at gmail.com
Thu Dec 24 04:59:28 PST 2020

While Impressionism works some of the time, especially when emotion comes
into play taking the time to build a facility more than a kilometer above
sea level does provide a bit more detail.

On Thu, Dec 24, 2020 at 4:03 AM Peter Klein via LUG <lug at leica-users.org>

> Seattle had bad weather for several days before and during the Great
> Conjunction on Monday night. Tuesday night the sky was partly cloudy,
> but the cloudy part was blocking the planets. Tonight (Wednesday), I
> finally got to see Jupiter and Saturn having their tĂȘte-a-tĂȘte. They are
> still respectably close.  Puget Sound and the Olympic Mountains provide
> the setting.
> <
> https://www.flickr.com/photos/24844563@N04/50754183152/in/dateposted-public/
> >
> I was alone at a park on a bluff overlooking Puget Sound.  Due to
> COVIDiot considerations, I wanted to be sure I could quickly move away
> from any unmasked people, unencumbered by a tripod, expensive equipment,
> etc.  So my record shot was taken with a humble iPhone 7, complete with
> Impressionistic noise, and cropped to about 50%. Enjoy anyway.
> This is a better shot, taken with a very big telescope in Chile. Size
> matters. As with mine, click once or twice to enlarge.
> <https://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap201223.html>
> --Peter
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don.dory at gmail.com

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