[Leica] IMG: The Family Photographer

Douglas Barry imra at iol.ie
Fri Dec 18 10:51:13 PST 2020

Great shot, Jim, and he got the focus bang on too! You should get that 
one enlarged as you probably have few enough with a camera in hand.

On 18/12/2020 02:55, Jim Nichols wrote:
> As most of us realize, the family photographer seldom appeared in 
> vacation pictures back in the film era.  My youngest son sent me this 
> one tonight that he found in his files.  In 1971, when he was 10 yrs 
> old, I had given him a simple camera to take on a trip to visit 
> Mississippi relatives, Vicksburg, etc.  He shot this at my old family 
> home.
> http://www.gallery.leica-users.org/v/OldNick/Dad_Camera.jpg.html
> Things are a lot different with today's cell phone cameras.

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