[Leica] Give credit where credit is due

Douglas Barry imra at iol.ie
Fri Aug 14 15:19:51 PDT 2020

Except it's not.

A couple of weeks ago, I was reading the various book reviews in the 
Financial Times and spotted an interesting Winogrand-ish photo from 1977 
credited as Fairchild Archive/Penske Media/Shutterstock in the review of 
André Leon Talley's book The Chiffon Trenches, but absolutely no name of 
the photographer anywhere. It's probably a Woman's Wear Daily image, and 
maybe Tony Palmieri, but there's no way of telling let alone confirming it.

Maybe it will be properly credited in the book, but, as I'm not exactly 
into women's clothing, I can't see myself rushing out to check it out - 
let alone buying it.

This is the image https://tinyurl.com/y4z5e8o7 that I was curious about.

It's a strong image, but the way things are going with the rise of these 
image swallowing corporations, very shortly we'll never see the name of 
the original photographers credited again.

A pity.


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