[Leica] IMG: rose, focus stacked

Adam Bridge abridge at mac.com
Mon Apr 27 13:47:44 PDT 2020

Here’s my first attempt at focus stacking with large images:


Shot with a Fujifilm GFX100. 50 images show in “focus bracketing” mode, electronic shutter.

I only had a few minutes to work before the breeze came up.

There are issues in a few places but I’ll figure out the software Real Soon Now. <grin>

The stacking was done with Helicon Focus. It’s an excellent example of how to use the GPU effectively! It allows the output to be saved as a DNG file which allows greater latitude in development.

In Lightroom I used the ETERNA color profile. Many of the possible profiles, included the default Adobe profile, were simply too vivid compared to the flower I actually saw. That seems to be a trend for the handling of this camera by Adobe - they must have been needing more vibrancy or something.

Comments and thoughts most welcome.

Adam Bridge

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