[Leica] IMGs: The CoVid Chronicles 20 - part two

Douglas Barry imra at iol.ie
Fri Apr 24 17:13:25 PDT 2020

I forgot these. As you'll see, I should have titled them "Little Amuses 
the Simple".

On the 21st, I was close to finishing up my enforced sojourn at home in 
isolation from my wife and others, so decided to dump a full bag of 
bottles for recycling at our local recycling bank to give myself a break 
from the monotony, subject to no one being there. If there had been, I 
would have driven back with the bottles. There was nobody there, so I 
dumped all of them in their respective coloured bins, until I came to 
the last one. Standing back, and holding my iPhone in my left hand, I 
attempted to throw the last bottle into the bin, take a photo of its 
flight through the air, and maybe even catch it going through the hole. 
I sort of succeeded, but missed the shot of the final successful attempt 
through inept timing. It took me four attempts to slot it in.

Flying bottle one. 

Flying bottle two. 

Flying bottle three. 

Maybe some of you will have better accuracy than me!


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