[Leica] Ted memmories

Richard Clompus rclompus at mac.com
Fri Apr 24 11:40:24 PDT 2020

I joined the LUG in 2009.  Shortly after, I realized how special Ted Grant was to the group.  I saved most of his messages that had meaning for me.  Mostly, they were emails that provided wisdom from his years of life’s experiences.  My caring for patients in my optometric practice always interfered with attending his workshops in Cape Cod.  My loss that I deeply regret. 

Just last month, I purchased a book about Ted’s 60 years of photojournalism by Thelma Fayle.  I was even more impressed with his life experiences and ability to capture the moment on film.  His recent passing was especially sad that I didn’t get to tell him how much I enjoyed his images and stories that only he could tell.  

I included below his tale on Oct 12, 2009 about almost smashing an R4 at Leica headquarters in Canada in front of the press.  Ted could be very persuasive at times.       

May he rest in peace and be with Irene again.  

Be well,

Richard Clompus

> Begin forwarded message:
> From: Ted Grant <tedgrant at shaw.ca>
> Subject: [Leica] SMASHING RESPONSE FOR TINA. Right up to date time line! Speculation on the M8/M8.2/M9timeline
> Date: September 9, 2009 at 8:59:03 PM PDT
> To: Leica Users Group <lug at leica-users.org>
> Reply-To: Leica Users Group <lug at leica-users.org>
> Tina offered in response to:
>>>>> I bet Ted's had one all along doing field tests.>>>>  S.d.
> Tina said:
>> No, Ted teed Leica off when he threatened to smash one of their
>> cameras on the steps of the capitol building in Canada.  Leica has a
>> long, long memory. ;-)
> Hi Crew,
> Well Tina is certainly correct when she said I "teed them off!"
> However it wasn't because of threatening to smash an R4 on the front steps of the Capitol Building, it was the front steps of the Leica Canada head office building and do it  before the Canadian national media, TV networks, wire services and Toronto daily newspapers were ready and waiting for the ultimate moment of destruction.
> The real reason Leica were/are still ticked off? Well that's a story for another day in private!
> I had bought my usual 3 bodies and motors, in this case they were brand new just out R4's. Unfortunately I had one body that consistently crapped out every time I went to use it. I shipped it from Victoria 5 times to Toronto for service in a matter of weeks.
> The last time it was returned I opened the box, tried to fire it up and it never worked! To say the least I was rather irate! I'm being quite polite in my expressions at the moment.
> Phoned Toronto and gave them an ultimatum. "I'm coming to Toronto in two days on assignment, I will call into your office and you will have a brand new camera or I will smash this one before the National Media on the front steps with an interview you'll wish Leica were never born!
> I arrived at the office and asked where my new camera was ? The response? "Ted, give the camera to the head of service and we'll take you out for lunch. When we get back it will be just as good as new!"
> Now that was a hell of an option, it wasn't any good when it was new a few weeks prior.
> I told them it was another camera new out of the box or they could watch the Leica smashing from hell on the 6pm news! They laughed, we went for lunch, they paid, we returned to the Leica building. SURPRISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> Yep and right there was this great gaggle of media with TV cameras set up, stills photogs, radio guys and gals all waiting for the destruction if I were not given a brand new and properly working R4!
> "Hey ted when are you smashing that crappy camera, I got a tight deadline?" And similar phrases along with microphones in my face asking "Are you really going to smash a new Leica to pieces right there on the steps?" And it went on.
> I hadn't noticed the senior Leica staff had gone in the building, suddenly the door opened, out came the head chap  with..... "YOU BET!"  A new R4 in box and handed it to me quietly asking if I wouldn't mind unwrapping it and showing the media that Leica stood strongly behind their products because it is the best camera in the world for great photojournalists such as you. He was all smiles.
> I thanked him, unwrapped and brought out the camera! The media packed up all their gear with a fair amount of grumbling and bitching because it became a non-story. Not a picture taken nor TV camera rolling!
> How did the media know about it in first place? I phoned all my media friends and told them if they wanted to see a royally irate photojournalist smash a new Leica to smithereens on the front steps of the Leica Canada head office, be there! And they were, much to the surprise of Leica Canada officials!
> So Tina was close, it was the steps of the Leica building, not the steps of the Capitol building! :-) So there you go eh? :-)
> Dr. ted
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