[Leica] Blackmon exhibition

Peter Dzwig pdzwig at summaventures.com
Mon Apr 20 15:10:10 PDT 2020

Yes, and no...I agree that any photo is in some sense artificial.

I just don't get these. When I look at many of them I feel either that I
am missing a key to understanding them or am looking at a collage which
again I don't get and of course a collage is pretty much the height of



On 20/04/2020 16:06, Douglas Barry wrote:
> That's fair enough, Peter. A chacun son goût. They ARE artificial, but
> many great photographers have used artifice - think Philippe Halsman,
> Man Ray, Sally Mann, and myriads more. Anytime there is any direction in
> a portrait, that's artifice, even getting the subject to sit in a
> certain manner in a certain light...
> I happen to enjoy Blackmon's particular artifice in setting up these
> shots, and wouldn't mind getting my hands on one of them. However, I
> have a major hurdle living with me. My wife likes paintings and doesn't
> mind me buying those, but baulks at photographs :-)
> Keep safe! 
> Douglas
> On 20/04/2020 15:14, Peter Dzwig wrote:
>> I have to say I don't get them at all! I just can't see the point. They
>> all look very artificial to my eye... Sorry.
>> Petr
>> On 20/04/2020 12:17, Douglas Barry wrote:
>>> In my mooching idleness, I was going through business cards from some of
>>> the exhibitors from a couple of Paris Photo exhibitions of some years
>>> ago. One was from the NY Robert Mann GaIlery, and I like this lady's
>>> stuff.
>>> http://www.robertmann.com/works-julie-blackmon
>>> Of course, I'd like to see the images in a bigger size. Still, some of
>>> you may also like them.
>>> Douglas
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Dr. Peter Dzwig

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