[Leica] Isolation??

Douglas Barry imra at iol.ie
Sat Apr 18 15:57:32 PDT 2020

Well that's a rootin' tootin' brave decision, Tina.

As for here in Ireland, I'm temporarily self-isolating in my room as I 
had a minor issue and my doctor told me to stay away from my vulnerable 
wife for 14 days just in case it might be CoVid in disguise. However, 
nearly 9 days on, thankfully, there's no sign of CoVid, just as there's 
little sign of a let up in the restrictions over here. The problem is 
the asymptomatic hordes walking around, and the very minor mild symptoms 
of the young.

Who knows what certain decisions can lead to? I moved my 96 year mother 
to a nursing home around the 25th of last month to ensure she was safer, 
as there was a higher turnover of care assistants who were calling to 
her house to help her and cook her lunch. It seemed the right decision 
at the time as none of the carers wore masks, gloves, or other safety 
aids as I did when I called to her house. Yesterday, I was informed that 
they have 17 infected patients and 6 infected staff - not a great 
situation. It seems there were asymptomatic staff working there - all 
uncovered when testing was done on everybody, per new government 

My mother is now seeing only carers in full PPE, and to her bewilderment 
having her temperature taken every day. She's at least feeling fine, but 
an acquaintance of mine from motor racing died in the same nursing home 
six days ago.

Life's unfair, and you have to look after yourselves, bearing in mind 
your own vulnerabilities. I'm sure your son would understand.


On 18/04/2020 22:49, Tina Manley via LUG wrote:
> The hotel that my son manages in Charleston, Zero George, is opening back
> up.  They are booked for most of May.  Who is traveling??  Restaurants are
> all still closed.  Why go to Charleston if the restaurants are all closed?
> He thinks it's way too early but it's not his decision to make.  The kids'
> daycare has not opened so he's bringing them up here to stay with us.  They
> haven't been exposed to other people for a couple of weeks so it should be
> ok.
> He's glad to have work again but skeptical about the wisdom of this.
> If they do arrive on Monday, I'll be occupied for awhile!!
> Stay safe.
> Tina

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