[Leica] Your First Leica?

Douglas Barry imra at iol.ie
Tue Apr 7 16:57:03 PDT 2020

Still have my first Leica - a IIIc 3887xx made in 1941/2. It came with a 
50/3.5 Elmar 5987xx made in 1942, and also have my second - a M3 10711xx 
made in a run of 4,000 starting in March 1963. It came with a 50/2.8 
screwmount and M adapter 18193xx made in 1960.

I'm not ruling out getting another, but can't justify it - yet.


On 07/04/2020 22:26, Richard Man wrote:
> Just idle wondering, how many people still have their first Leica? and if
> you still have it, is it one of those "I will never sell my first love, or
> any Leica", or "I can let it go, but why?"

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