[Leica] Yearbook

Mark Rabiner mark at rabinergroup.com
Wed Sep 25 14:58:56 PDT 2019

One person's reactor core is another person's bicycle shed.
I find that much of what's on the LUG now to be for me very bicycle shed like so I just move on to the next one.  
I see that others are very involved in them though. 
I do participate in the threads I find to be very much at the core of the reactor.
I don’t consider anyone's threads trivial.

They're just not my cup of reactor core coolant tea.


Mark William Rabiner

On 9/25/19, 2:20 PM, "LUG on behalf of Brian Reid" <lug-bounces+mark=rabinergroup.com at leica-users.org on behalf of reid at mejac.palo-alto.ca.us> wrote:

    My son is getting married this weekend. I am flying down to San Diego 
    (with my new Q-2) for the occasion. When I return I will post all of the 
    announcements about the yearbook and its rules and stuff.
    I have read and understood what people have to say about it.
    If you want to talk more about it in the interim, please read this 
    Leica Users Group.
    See http://leica-users.org/mailman/listinfo/lug for more information

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