[Leica] Tuesday trees

Don Dory don.dory at gmail.com
Tue Sep 24 13:35:59 PDT 2019

Greetings to all.  I am going to start with a picture that possibly
requires explanation.  Barton Creek only flows when there has been rain.
During the rainy season the rocky creek bed is filled with water to the
height of the first step.  So, if you look closely you will see a rope
swing to swing out over the pool and splash in.


This next one is simply a texture play as imaged.  What attracted me was
that the tree was almost horizontal and I was shooting from the far bank:


This next image is of some happy willows still fresh from water down
further in the rocks.


Last, we have an oak that is doing a good job growing on rock with almost
no soil to speak of.  An unseen tap root is digging into a crack in the
rocks for water:


Enjoy, and keep pushing that button, we need images for the yearbook.

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