[Leica] 2 more from the new Q2

Mark Rabiner mark at rabinergroup.com
Sun Sep 22 16:00:09 PDT 2019

I'm getting a 28mm 1.8G on November 1st. I toss on turn every night dreaming about it.
My latest's lens which has coincidently been on my camera for a few months now is the 24mm 1.8G which looks just like it. And also looks like the 20mm which I got earlier this year.
All are full frame lenses so when I use them on my D500 they are two lenses longer. When I use them on my D750 they are what they are.
So my 28 will become a 42mm lens. I get a lot of mileage out of walking around with a true normal on my camera.

 A bit back most in one compact cameras had a 35mm lens on them the 28mm seen as way wide.
But in the past decade or so the lens which has taken over the work of many photographers, photojournalists, commercial and fine art is an 18-35mm zoom. It never comes off the camera. A 28mm is on the right end of that wavelength. 18, 21, 24, 28, 35mm's.
Your 35 is your telephoto, your 28 is your normal, 21 a bit wide, 18 for sure wide.


Mark William Rabiner

On 9/22/19, 2:42 PM, "LUG on behalf of Brian Reid" <lug-bounces+mark=rabinergroup.com at leica-users.org on behalf of reid at mejac.palo-alto.ca.us> wrote:

    I was a little worried that the fixed 28mm lens would be limiting. Not a 
    chance. This is a magnificent cameras for the pictures I want to take.
    Last evening: Nora's father manages to stay awake despite jet lag and a 
    long flight:
    Just now:
    Nora accepts "solid" food (yogurt) for the first time
    If you want to see what that lens does with detail, click the "show 
    large" button and zoom in on her eyes.
    When she returns home next week I'll have to spell it "yoghurt".
    My son's wedding is next weekend. I'm eager to find out how the Q2 will 
    do there. (He has a professional to do the "real" pictures)
    Leica Users Group.
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