[Leica] Erwin Puts farewell to Leica World

Frank Filippone red735i at verizon.net
Tue Oct 22 19:50:18 PDT 2019

The ability to severely crop and still have a good number of pixels drove me to Sony as well. It eliminates a lens or more. There is nothing saying that you can not use your Nocti or 50 APO Summicron on it either. 
I am not sure why Erwin has decided to leave Leica. He does not say. But certainly it was a major strategy disagreement. 

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 On Tuesday, October 22, 2019, Don Dory via LUG <lug at leica-users.org> wrote:

For Leica this was an inevitable road to go.  Almost everyone else is going
the route of optical excellence building gargantuan but very capable
lenses.  Leica is taking the route that software can take the already
formidable performance of their lenses to a higher plane without forcing us
to carry 2 kilos of glass.  I truly appreciate the ability of the Sony G
Master lenses over a 61mp sensor.  The ability to crop 80% and still have
a good image: I very much tire of carrying the 3 kilos of gear around my
neck for a body and one lens.

If Leica ever builds a 50+mp M I will be on the waiting list so fast....  I
decided not to acquire the QII after much thought as I would rather pay
8-9K and have the ability to change lenses as I am still a 50mm kind of
photographer.  However, if the Q II came with a version starting at 35-40mm
there goes another 5K into the bag.

On Tue, Oct 22, 2019 at 2:29 PM Richard Man <richard at richardman.photo>

> https://photo.imx.nl/blog/files/archive-october-2019.html
> --
> "Some People Drive, We Are Driven"
> https://richardman.photo
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