[Leica] Trudeau's last Rally before the Canadian election (today)

Howard Cummer hcummer at gmail.com
Mon Oct 21 09:35:18 PDT 2019

Hi Luggers,

Canadian election rallies have ended - after a 40 day campaign - and last night Esther and I went along to
Justine Trudeau’s last election rally - held at the Bard and the Banker pub in Victoria. Security was tight
and everyone had to register in order to get into the bar. We got up to the second floor and occupied a
tiny corner of the press area. Here are two photos - one a panorama, the other a straight shot. Both taken
with the Fuji X100F. 

http://gallery.leica-users.org/v/Howard+Cummer/2019/Canada/DSCA4878-Pano.jpg.html <http://gallery.leica-users.org/v/Howard+Cummer/2019/Canada/DSCA4878-Pano.jpg.html>

http://gallery.leica-users.org/v/Howard+Cummer/2019/Canada/DSCA4871.jpg.html <http://gallery.leica-users.org/v/Howard+Cummer/2019/Canada/DSCA4871.jpg.html>

Please view large if you like. C&C always welcome.


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