[Leica] So long, LUG Pals

Greg Rubenstein gcr910 at gmail.com
Thu Oct 17 22:26:57 PDT 2019

Haven’t been active much lately anyway.

Look forward to returning to The LUG when the focus returns to Leica photography, and provides a haven from the ubiquitous roar of political static. 

People here are the primary reason I’ve prized Our LUG Community. The lack of political discourse was a huge, relaxing plus of being part of thIs online village.

I care about issues, stay aware, offer opinions, and act, as friends know. This simply ain’t the forum in which I care to discuss or read about such things. 


Shall stay in touch with Friends via the variety of other media we use. We may even discuss politics one on one or among ourselves. Am certain someone will tell me when it’s safe to return here.

Many thanks, All, for years of enjoyment, help, education, chat and friendship.

Everyone — and families — be healthy and happy. 



“If you don’t know where you’re going, you’ll end up someplace else.”

— Yogi Berra

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