[Leica] IMG : A sweet Sunday

Jim Nichols jhnichols at lighttube.net
Mon Oct 14 09:12:27 PDT 2019

Great set, Philippe.  Love the birdie.

Jim Nichols
Tullahoma, TN USA

On 10/13/2019 12:12 PM, Philippe via LUG wrote:
> Just want to share the last of a so far mild autumn. Today was special in the village. A charity race took place, organised by the fire-brigade - elders such as I, were allowed to hike and not run, so I took the camera along, and here are a few the resulting snaps.
> http://gallery.leica-users.org/v/Phileica/Playground/Taking+it+seriously-0380.jpg.html
> The colorful brick building was built for the landlord’s wife to have her afternoon hot chocolate with friends in the early 20ieth century …
> The pano is a stitch of a dozen vertical shots from a hill opposite the village.
> The last one features an unexpected guest waiting for us, and coffee? in the kitchen when we came back home.
> The cats didn’t like it that I opened the windows LARGE !
> Amities
> Philippe
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