[Leica] Sign 2019 #5

CartersXRd cartersxrd at gmail.com
Thu Oct 10 18:18:28 PDT 2019

My artistic bias should NOT be confused with widespread disintegration of the USA.

While rural areas and small town centers are losing businesses, there is still plenty going on. Lots of chains and bigbox stores have sprung up on the edges of towns. I just think their signs either look like shit or are just not interesting to me.

Things tend to be left rather than removed here. It’s the South, for years the home of the infamous hookworm, which a public health friend of mine always insisted was the reason for so many junk cars in yards in North Carolina. A physiolgical pace became a cultural one over time.

The signs I collect are not signs of American Armeggedon, for that I’d have to attend a Trump rally.


> On Oct 10, 2019, at 8:20 PM, Douglas Barry <imra at iol.ie> wrote:
> Hmm, Ric, you're certainly capturing American disintegration with these images. Going on Cinema4 no. 2 rumpled poster, it's gone out of business since 2012 when that film was released.
> However, looking at the place on Google's Streetview, it actually looks a pleasant enough town. Somehow, I don't think you'll be hired by Ahoskie Tourism...
> Douglas
> On 11/10/2019 00:30, CartersXRd via LUG wrote:
>> The Daily Ric
>> Monday, October 7, 2019
>> Another installment of sign photos. There are 15 new ones at the link.
>> <https://2019.cartersxrd.net/CX2019/2019.10.07.html>
>> Ric Carter
>> www.2019.CartersXRd.net
>> http://www.facebook.com/ric.carter
>> The only razor I use is Occam’s.
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