[Leica] IMGS: Color Balancing (Blue Trees)

Paul Roark roark.paul at gmail.com
Tue Nov 26 19:40:21 PST 2019

My great uncle used lots of early Kodachromes and often use watercolors on
them to, among other things, help correct the color.  I suspect the film
was picking up UV.  If it was, then the distance might be more affected
than the foreground.  One color balance correction may not be quite right
for the entire photo, but pulling the color balance slider to yellow would
probably do the most to get rid of UV pollution.  One could use layers,
balancing different ones for different distances, then selectively
combining, but that may take too much work for the number of slides you're
dealing with.

I wonder what the elevation was of the shot.  I'm going to Switzerland for
the first time this spring and am looking forward to the landscape
shooting.  But, of course, my finals will be B&W.  :)



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