[Leica] IMG: Desperate!

Douglas Barry imra at iol.ie
Fri May 31 13:33:03 PDT 2019

We don't seem to get those over here, Jim, but, then again, my plant 
recognition is patchy at best. I'd have to consult with the wife who is 
the horticultural expert in the house. Sorry to hear about your heatwave 
- this non-existent global warming is probably sending outliers of fake 
news :-) Hopefully it will cool down for you and you can work in more 
pleasant conditions. Keep the pecker up!


On 30/05/2019 23:16, Jim Nichols wrote:
> After overheating in this record matching heat about 10 days ago, I've 
> been mostly silent.  The birds don't show up, the flowers have dried 
> up, the airport ramp is too hot, and all I do is stay in 
> air-conditioning and read library books.  My  Buddleia won't have 
> blooms for another month, so no butterflies are stopping by. The only 
> blooms I have are the clusters on Nandina bushes, also known as 
> Heavenly Bamboo, that eventually result in red berries.
> So, just to show my shutter still clicks, here is the Nandina.  I 
> actually saw a large bee on one  of these clusters, but that was while 
> looking out the kitchen window.  No competition with Philippe's 
> kitchen view!
> http://www.gallery.leica-users.org/v/OldNick/20190530-DSCF1342.JPG.html

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