[Leica] Capture One upgrade roulette

Peter Klein boulanger.croissant at gmail.com
Thu May 30 13:46:12 PDT 2019

I use Capture One as my raw processor. I refuse to rent software, so I 
buy the "perpetual license." I've stayed with v. 10.2, as the most 
recent version (12.x)  still does not officially support my Leica 
M10-P.  v.10.2 works acceptably using a "Generic DNG" profile, with a 
few moderately annoying work-arounds.

My plan was to wait until v.13 came out, and upgrade if it supported the 
M10-P.  I've asked Phase One support twice about M10-P (and -D) support. 
The reply is that they will put it on their request list, but "we never 
promise anything, and we never comment on release dates."

Now a further wrinkle:  This weekend, Phase One sent out emails with a 
15% discount code on upgrades, valid until June 3. "Don't miss out!"  
Except that the prices were actually higher than the prices available 
from the program's initial splash screen.  Not nice.

Sometimes when a software vendor offers discounts, it's a sign that a 
major new version is coming soon.  So my instinct says to wait and see 
if v.13 comes soon.  On the other hand, Phase One could jack up the 
price of leapfrogging several versions, such that if I don't upgrade to 
v.12 now, I could end up paying more in the long run.  Or I could end up 
paying two stiff upgrade fees if I upgrade now, and they cleverly wait 
six weeks to release v. 13, and then only give a deep upgrade discount 
to people who bought v.12 less than 30 days prior to the release.

Does anyone have experience "reading the tea leaves" in situations like 


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