[Leica] Knocking the new off!

papatorry at etex.net papatorry at etex.net
Tue May 21 17:59:16 PDT 2019

Unboxing a new camera. The Sony A7 Mk II.
Using an old lens that has spent too much time on the shelf. A Canon FD
50mm F/1.4.
Straight out of the Sony JPEGS.
Visiting my backyard after yet another round of rain on th eUpper East
Side of Texas.
Our Nandina, Heavenly Bamboo, about to bloom.

PS: I was planning to use my Leica M & LTM lenses today. However, B&H sent
a Leica M to Fuji X adapter. When the correct adapter, arrives I will
return with LUG appropriate lenses.

Thanks for looking.

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