[Leica] IMG: Slide 'Cause It's Fun

Jean-Michel Mertz j2m46 at hotmail.fr
Wed May 8 02:47:07 PDT 2019

Homerun, obviously! Baseball (softball?) is great fun at that age! JM

Jean-Michel Mertz
68750 - Bergheim

De : LUG <lug-bounces+j2m46=hotmail.fr at leica-users.org> de la part de Jim Nichols <jhnichols at lighttube.net>
Envoyé : mercredi 8 mai 2019 03:18
À : Olympus Camera Discussion; LUG at Leica-Users.org
Objet : [Leica] IMG: Slide 'Cause It's Fun

I took in a Coach Pitch Little League game this afternoon.  This age,
they are fun to watch, though they consist of boys and girls of several
ages and a wide range of skills.  Here, my gr-grandson prepares to slide
into home plate, though the ball is no threat. Just because it's funnnnn.


Jim Nichols
Tullahoma, TN USA

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