[Leica] Tank Man

Richard Man richard at imagecraft.com
Fri May 3 22:06:39 PDT 2019

Jayanand, as I am not a "corporate person", I do not look at the piece the
same way you did. All I do know is that sometimes, sometimes, an image, or
a video, or something, can take on a life of its own, beyond the boundaries
set by the person who creates the thing. I am not saying that this is one
of those. Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. Time will tell.


On Wed, May 1, 2019 at 8:20 PM Jayanand Govindaraj via LUG <
lug at leica-users.org> wrote:

> Richard,
> I agree that the camera used does not matter at all, though it does seem,
> according to published reports, that none of the five were using Leica .
> The short film is also very well made, no questions about that.
> What does matter, though, is that, firstly, it seems that Leica did not
> even do elementary due diligence. Secondly, they were passing off a
> situation in which they were no way involved as if they were. Finally, and
> most importantly, the awful idiocy of imperiling the access to your main
> market, for any reason whatsoever, is the height of managerial
> incompetence, especially for no other benefit but an advertisement.
> Studying companies and corporate behaviour is what I have been trained to
> do as a professional all my working life. I have made a living by betting
> my own capital based on my assessments. My reading of this situation is, by
> default, superficial, based on published information. If Leica had a deeper
> reason for releasing the short film, I am not clear about it, and if anyone
> can give me the same, I am quite willing to change my mind.
> Cheers
> Jayanand
> On Thu, May 2, 2019 at 7:49 AM Richard Man <richard at imagecraft.com> wrote:
> > I think the fixation on what camera was used totally missed the point of
> > the ad.
> >
> > Besides the fact that indeed multiple people did take similar shots. Just
> > that one is the most iconic one.
> >
> >
> >
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// richard http://imagecraft.com
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