[Leica] Leica Q2 just out

Peter Dzwig pdzwig at summaventures.com
Sat Mar 9 01:54:24 PST 2019

Can't honestly say I'm impressed. I like the size and the resolution
increase and the Q was and is an interesting camera.

I'd like to see better test images. Does anyone really pay $5k to take
pictures of corgis and second-rate street scenes?


On 08/03/2019 22:40, Mark Rabiner wrote:
> I've run into a few articles on the Q2 last night the just out upgrade from the just plain Q only this one not just full frame but also way high rez. 47MP's! The Sony has had the compact high rez full frame out a few years now not sure if people buy it or like me just dream about it. It's seems pocketable. The Leica not pocketable.
> Looking at it this morning with more news sources weighing in it seems like an M with a 28 1.7 lens stuck to it for five grand American money. It does not seem all that much smaller or lighter than a M in which you could put compact glass on the front of it or a Noctilux. So this is a bad review. I’m not all that hot on the not compact or cheap enough newest camera from Leica. I think they should stop putting fast monster lenses on compact cameras making them no longer compact or light weight cameras. Or cheap.
>  https://www.dpreview.com/reviews/leica-q2-first-impressions-review
> None of the reviews I read addess if low light preformace is made worse buy the ultra high rez increase.  As if they really held the camera in their hands.
> Also they're calling it a Summilux and it’s a f1.7. Sad.
> To me its like the "one inch sensor" thing.. A misdirect. Leicas doing well they don't need to lie.
> A digital lie is still a lie.


Dr. Peter Dzwig

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