[Leica] IMGs: South of France Part Two

Douglas Barry imra at iol.ie
Sat Jun 29 04:14:14 PDT 2019

Here's a link to the remaining photographs I took while over in France. 
They include some from Cannes, Antibes, and from Juan-les-Pins where we 
based ourselves. As Have-Nots, we mingled amongst the Have-Yachts and 
discovered that indeed the rich are different: they have more money...

Unfortunately, I didn't bother bringing any other camera than my fixed 
lens Fuji X100S, and the option to have fitted longer lenses would have 
been useful, but then again it wasn't a photographic holiday, more a 
relaxing break. So I didn't get close up photos of Roman Abramovich's 
Eclipse - the second biggest yacht in the world, or the amazing 
plaything of Andrey Melnichenko - Sailing Yacht A with its 300 feet tall 
masts, nor the gorgeous Talitha G owned by the Getty family as all had 
to remain distant objects.

Amusingly, we were wandering around the church and castle at the top of 
Le Suquet and I noticed a couple of young fellows in their twenties or 
early thirties who had Canon gear with long and heavy lenses. They were 
taking peripheral shots of the area, so I asked them were they from a 
camera club. They turned out to be doing establishing shots for an 
American sports interview show hosted by someone called Bensinger and 
were going to interview the owner of the Washington Redskins, a Mr. 
Snyder on his brand new 305 foot yacht - the Lady S - which was moored 
below us in Cannes harbour. While my knowledge of American football is 
limited to the O.J. Simpson car "chase", I am interested in boats, and  
leaned over and took a shot, but, with a 35mm equivalent lens, it looks 
like a speck. Anyway, it's here in this group of images, so start at 
this one and click right.


Comments welcome


PS some of these yachts are quite amazing and worth a google.

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