[Leica] IMGs: South of France

Douglas Barry imra at iol.ie
Tue Jun 25 15:44:31 PDT 2019

Haven't been near the LUG as I headed off to France on a whim for a 
brief holiday as my wife had treatment and a review today. Decided on 
the Sunday and flew out two days later as the weather was very poor 
here. We stayed in Juan-les-Pins on the Cote d'Azur and enjoyed some 
decent heat for eight days. All very relaxing, but I'm back in low 
temperate land again which hopefully will change shortly as the weather 
people are intimating heavily that we just might see some sun soon. I 
hope they're right.

I took the eminently portable Fuji X100S and did take a few shots on the 
fly as I never got enough time just to concentrate on photography. Here 
is a link to the first of ten. Just click right.


All can be enlarged if you so desire. Comments and criticisms are 
welcome as per usual.


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