[Leica] IMGs: Wayback Pix - Three Sun Shots and H&W Control Film Test

Jayanand Govindaraj jayanand at gmail.com
Tue Jun 18 19:07:20 PDT 2019

The first one is wonderful!

On Tue, Jun 18, 2019 at 7:47 PM Alan Magayne-Roshak <amr3 at uwmalumni.com>

> I'm still working on my 50+ year photo archive, organizing and scanning.
> Here are three photos with the sun from 1968, the year I discovered the joy
> of Kodachrome.
> The industrial Menomonee Valley in Milwaukee.
> <
> http://gallery.leica-users.org/v/Alan+Magayne-Roshak/The+Sixties/19681012_MR_Rails_9.jpg.html
> >
> A Catholic shrine on the highest hill in SE Wisconsin.  I think it was
> hand-held, but for me the drama outweighs the softness.
> <
> http://gallery.leica-users.org/v/Alan+Magayne-Roshak/The+Sixties/19681022_MR_HolyHill_9.jpg.html
> >
> A frozen lagoon next to Lake Michigan and downtown Milwaukee.
> <
> http://gallery.leica-users.org/v/Alan+Magayne-Roshak/The+Sixties/19681205_MR_Sunrise_3.jpg.html
> >
> And from 1972, my first roll of H&W Control Film, a precursor to Kodak's
> Tech Pan emulsion.  I shot this with a Pentax 50mm f/4 Macro-Takumar (the
> pre-set version that went down to 1:1).  The instructions said it was
> suitable for enlarging purposes, and it's what I used until I got an
> El-Nikkor.  The pre-set diaphragm was very handy for printing - no
> counting clicks after composing on the easel.
> <
> http://gallery.leica-users.org/v/Alan+Magayne-Roshak/The+Seventies/19721001_MR_H_amp_W_2.jpg.html
> >
> Maybe it's spurious resolution, but the micrograph photo seems to show
> stripes on the student's sock.
> <
> http://gallery.leica-users.org/v/Alan+Magayne-Roshak/The+Seventies/19721005_MR_H_amp_W_Micro_11.jpg.html
> >
> Alan
> Alan Magayne-Roshak, Senior Photographer
> University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Photo Services
> (Retired)
> UPAA Photographer of the Year 1978
> UPAA Master of the Profession 2014
> amr3 at uwm.edu
> http://gallery.leica-users.org/v/Alan+Magayne-Roshak/
> "All the technique in the world doesn't compensate
>  for an inability to notice. " - Elliott Erwitt
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