[Leica] Highlands PAW 22

CartersXRd cartersxrd at gmail.com
Tue Jun 4 06:45:38 PDT 2019



> On Jun 4, 2019, at 6:04 AM, John McMaster <john at mcmaster.co.uk> wrote:
> Had a visit to the Wick Heritage Centre, been there before and had seen the lighthouse but this trip was different.....
> We happened to be there as a volunteer was, he asked us if we would like to look inside (there is a locked barrier).  Then he said that he had worked at this lighthouse (Noss Head) in the mid-70s.  It is a unique item as far as they know, it would have been scrapped if someone had not had the foresight to save it.  There is 3.5 tons of glass and brass made in Paris, the unusual bit is having mirrors over the light.  In the fourth picture you see the centre, the light was lit with whale oil (stored in that tank) until the early 70s when it was converted to paraffin - one tank lasted a couple of days.  I asked how the light was turned, obviously there had been no electricity to it.  The mechanism to rotate the light (which is so well balanced that you can turn it with little effort) was a bit like a grandfather clock with weights, but they needed to be rewound every 30 minutes!
> https://johnmcmaster.com/PAW/2019/22
> All with M(240) and 35mm Summilux FLE
> C & C welcome
> john
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