[Leica] Highlands PAW 22

Don Dory don.dory at gmail.com
Tue Jun 4 03:53:59 PDT 2019

Lovely to see, very glad it wasn't broken up and sold in an auction house.

On Tue, Jun 4, 2019 at 5:04 AM John McMaster <john at mcmaster.co.uk> wrote:

> Had a visit to the Wick Heritage Centre, been there before and had seen
> the lighthouse but this trip was different.....
> We happened to be there as a volunteer was, he asked us if we would like
> to look inside (there is a locked barrier).  Then he said that he had
> worked at this lighthouse (Noss Head) in the mid-70s.  It is a unique item
> as far as they know, it would have been scrapped if someone had not had the
> foresight to save it.  There is 3.5 tons of glass and brass made in Paris,
> the unusual bit is having mirrors over the light.  In the fourth picture
> you see the centre, the light was lit with whale oil (stored in that tank)
> until the early 70s when it was converted to paraffin - one tank lasted a
> couple of days.  I asked how the light was turned, obviously there had been
> no electricity to it.  The mechanism to rotate the light (which is so well
> balanced that you can turn it with little effort) was a bit like a
> grandfather clock with weights, but they needed to be rewound every 30
> minutes!
> https://johnmcmaster.com/PAW/2019/22
> All with M(240) and 35mm Summilux FLE
> C & C welcome
> john
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don.dory at gmail.com

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