[Leica] leopard resting with prey

Douglas Barry imra at iol.ie
Sun Jun 2 16:52:11 PDT 2019

Adam, the starling is invisible on my screen. To see any images 
properly, it seems to need at least 1900 pixels across. My old pc and 
screen worked fine display wise at smaller sizes, but your image, even 
at its enlarged size of a width of 625px and a height of 937px, is just 
too small to see detail. For instance, I'm trusting you on the leopard's 


On 02/06/2019 22:49, Adam Bridge via LUG wrote:
> I tried it on canvas, Howard, and it didn’t work well: the texture of the canvas didn’t work well with the spots on the leopard. For my show I printed it on Epson Cold Press Bright. The paper has a water-color paper sort of feel to it and did very nice things with the pastels in the sky. I’d also tried Archival Matte and Exhibition Fiber before I settled on the cold press. Doing my own printing gives me a lot of flexibility!
> I’ll also ask you to note the splendid starling that is sitting on the very tip-top of the tree. I didn’t notice it until I was doing the masking.
> Again, thank you for your kind words.
> Adam
>> On 2019 Jun  2, at 7:10 AM, Howard Cummer via LUG <lug at leica-users.org> wrote:
>> What a wonderful stark modern art image! You need to print this on 24 X 36 canvas and hang it in the foyer of your home.
>> Thanks for sharing.
>> Howard
>> Date: Fri, 31 May 2019 14:55:51 -0700
>> From: Adam Bridge <abridge at mac.com <mailto:abridge at mac.com>>
>> To: Leica Users Group <lug at leica-users.org <mailto:lug at leica-users.org>>
>> Subject: [Leica] IMG: leopard resting with prey
>>  From our trip to Tanzania, this was one of the better images in my show:
>> <https://adam-bridge.smugmug.com/organize/Travel/Tanzania/Best-images/i-2B9PdJL <https://adam-bridge.smugmug.com/organize/Travel/Tanzania/Best-images/i-2B9PdJL>>
>> Thanks for looking,
>> Adam Bridge
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