[Leica] Editing
Mark Rabiner
mark at rabinergroup.com
Wed Jul 31 08:22:20 PDT 2019
I kind of agree with what Peter is saying but my own way of saying it is this:
I don’t think editing your photos is about deleting them. I think it's about rating them.
I think the ones which are way out of focus or otherwise messed up get deleted the rest stays.
If you want to see your best shots just hit the five star button who whatever it is. But the rest are still there.
I think the costs of saving many thousands of images in hard drives and or clouds is neglible.
When I go back over my shots its often a shot with few stars which I end up picking for this use.
I call them sleepers.
Shots I never even recall taking are the star shots at that moment. Not the ones with all the stars.
I think that’s the way the brain works or at least mine.
But I think they have to be consolidated so you can search everything with one search and not have to search one thing and then the next.
Mark William Rabiner
On 7/31/19, 9:38 AM, "LUG on behalf of Peter Dzwig" <lug-bounces+mark=rabinergroup.com at leica-users.org on behalf of pdzwig at summaventures.com> wrote:
I read this last night and have thought about it quite a bit since. Here
is my 2p-worth.
The temptation with todays storage costs is to save the lot and WTH! But
the rea question is: are you editing for yourself? for posterity? for
work? forp...
Once you have made that decision then do as Don suggests; but don't
throw the others away. Make a drive called "For..." (fill in as
appropriate) and edit onto that in much the way that Don suggested.
This way you have an archive PLUS your choice for whatever purpose.
Things may appear to have a very different value in a few years time.
Recall that your pictures of tradesmen in Iran may just have been taken
because they were "quaint" (supply your own term if you wish), but now
they are historical documents of some considerable documentary worth.
To actually make the selection, follow Maggie's advice.
On 30/07/2019 23:35, Tina Manley via LUG wrote:
> I am cleaning up old files on my Drobo and trying to consolidate
> everything. Years ago, I spent a couple of weeks with Maggie Steber, a
> photo editor, who helped me edit 50,000 of my Honduran photos down to about
> 24. The problem is that I have many, many more than the original 50,000
> that she edited. According to my LR files, I have 174,258 photos of
> Honduras. If I spend the rest of my life editing them I will not finish.
> But just glancing through, it looks like there are a lot I would include in
> a final edit. So what to do? Recently, I have been going back editing old
> family photos of European trips. Should I stop that and work on Honduras?
> I really am drawn to that because of their situation today. The same thing
> applies to Guatemala. I have over 150,000 photos of Guatemala. If I edit
> those, I will never get to any other countries.
> I think I have answered my own question but I would appreciate your
> opinion, anyway.
> TIna
Dr. Peter Dzwig
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