[Leica] IMG: Swimmers in Dublin Bay at Seapoint

CartersXRd cartersxrd at gmail.com
Wed Jul 24 18:21:25 PDT 2019

what a wonderful where’s waldo—bathing unlike what I know!


> On Jul 24, 2019, at 7:40 PM, Douglas Barry <imra at iol.ie> wrote:
> Took this at 7.30pm yesterday when we had close to our hottest day of the year. It was surprisingly busy considering the late hour and the falling tide. My son was down there changing for his swim, but it's too difficult to point him out. I had been for my swim earlier so didn't join him. Mind you, the water was glorious, so I was a bit regretful.
> Sony A7ii with Zeiss 55/1.8
> The large size is huge as there is a fair bit of detail in the image.
> Douglas
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