[Leica] IMG: Clearing the Pond

Jim Nichols jhnichols at lighttube.net
Fri Jul 12 08:43:21 PDT 2019

Very impressive from that angle, Tina.  Nice lighting, as well.

Jim Nichols
Tullahoma, TN USA

On 7/12/2019 9:31 AM, Tina Manley via LUG wrote:
> In the on-going saga of our farmhouse progress, Tom hired a neighbor with a
> backhoe to clear around our pond.  You could not see the pond from the
> house because of all of the overgrown bushes and trees.  Now you can:
> https://pbase.com/image/169485368
> We saved the dogwoods and willows but all of the cedar trees have cedar
> rust so we're taking those out.  The pond is stocked largemouth bass,
> sunfish, and catfish.
> Tom is also working on putting a tin ceiling in the basement room that will
> be our library.  Still a lot of work to do!!
> That PBase gallery has photos of the house before we moved it, too.
> C&C greatly appreciated.
> Tina

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