[Leica] LHSA membership

Mark Rabiner mark at rabinergroup.com
Wed Jul 3 20:06:01 PDT 2019

I'm lousy with names so anytime I'm hanging out with a bunch of people with big plastic name tags around their necks I'm really doing well. "Hey Marvin how's that old M3 treating ya?"
It's fun to see the same faces every year and see which camera they are now using.
In case you don’t have a million friends anyway.
And some of those people might be key people in Leica over from Wetzlar. Great to be in a nodding relationship with those guys!
Here on the LUG everyone has the same font. But it's also great to get into that face to face world in smellorama and listen to live voices and watch slides and look at cameras. Ride around in buses with sealed polarized windows but then it pulls over and you can get some shots. When you're battery dies a bunch of guys offer you one of theirs!
It's mainly a once maybe twice a year thing. I miss it but can't afford the travel so much now.



Mark William Rabiner

On 7/3/19, 6:49 PM, "LUG on behalf of Tina Manley via LUG" <lug-bounces+mark=rabinergroup.com at leica-users.org on behalf of lug at leica-users.org> wrote:

    On Wed, Jul 3, 2019 at 6:45 PM Richard Clompus via LUG <lug at leica-users.org>
    > Having used Leica gear for over 40 years, I’ve grown to enjoy and respect
    > the engineering and design that goes into their products.  I’ve never been
    > a member of LHSA.  Is there a lot to be learned by joining this
    > organization?
    > Thanks for your replies.
    > Be well,
    > Richard
    > Richard Clompus
    > California
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    > Leica Users Group.
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    Tina Manley
    Leica Users Group.
    See http://leica-users.org/mailman/listinfo/lug for more information

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