[Leica] 4 more with film Oriental Seagull

Gerry Walden gerry.walden at icloud.com
Thu Feb 7 20:07:46 PST 2019


These four are really good, and the tonal range you have achieved is excellent. This film looks like it is something special in your hands.

Best wishes,


Gerry Walden
023 8046 3076
0797 287 7932

> On 8 Feb 2019, at 00:16, Lluis Ripoll via LUG <lug at leica-users.org> wrote:
> Sant Pere de Puelles
> <http://gallery.leica-users.org/v/luisrq/Barcelona/2019F020123.jpg.html>
> Backlight Pl. Sant Agusti el Vell
> <http://gallery.leica-users.org/v/luisrq/Barcelona/2019F020126.jpg.html>
> Crossing bike
> <http://gallery.leica-users.org/v/luisrq/Barcelona/2019F020127.jpg.html>
> Narrow street
> <http://gallery.leica-users.org/v/luisrq/Barcelona/2019F020118.jpg.html>
> Leica MP, Summilux 35 pre, Oriental Seagull 400, D23 1:1
> Thanks for looking, your c&c are welcome
> saludos cordiales
> Lluis
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